Robert Holden – Be Happy:Release the Power of Happiness in YOU

      It is a rare gift to be able to combine spirituality with humor.  That’s why I was pleasantly surprised when I came across the video below with Robert Holden (author of Be Happy: Release the Power of Happiness in YOU) as he describes in detail how an Indian Guru laughed at him in front of a large audience after he tried to answer the question: Who am I?  This is one of those fundamental questions and having a sense of humor about it can lead to greater clarity and a little more fun in life.

      Robert Holden was on Oprah Jan. 1st 2009 and his 8-week happiness program was featured on a BBC-TV documentary called How to Be Happy that has been shown in 16 countries to 30 million television viewers.  His work came to my attention after I received an email from Wayne Dyer’s newsletter list today regarding the release of Robert Holden’s book, Be Happy: Release the Power of Happiness in YOU.