Wayne Dyer defends positive thinking on ABC News

In spite of recently being diagnosed with leukemia, Dr. Wayne Dyer is staying true to his message of the power of positive thinking. Last night ABC News aired their interview with Wayne Dyer in which ABC insinuated that positive thinking could be dangerous psycho-babble because some believe positive thinking leads to people blaming themselves for negative events in their life. Wayne Dyer responded to this critique by explaining that when bad things happen to us in life, positive thinking can help us overcome those obstacles and lead to spiritual breakthroughs that would not have occurred in the absence of the obstacles.

Wayne Dyer not only talks the talk, but he also walks the walk. His personal response to having leukemia inspires peace and optimism because he says having leukemia is not going to cause him to worry. He says he lives a worry free life and believes positive thinking helps him create more peaceful circumstances and increases the likelihood of others creating health and happiness.


  1. Amazing the spin the media puts on this. I understand being the skeptic but I suppose we should all just give up and put our lives in the hands of something outside of ourselves.

    I was actually at this live event where Wayne spoke in Tampa a few months ago. I believe it was his first public announcement of his diagnosis. His approach and common sense philosophy around his diagnosis inspired me. (I noticed the news event left his response out)

    His recent studies of Neville that he talked about at the event were amazing and a definite influence I’m sure on his response. Quite frankly regardless of the physical outcome the world is so much better with people like Wayne.

  2. Matt Welsh says:

    Thanks Tony for your input…Yeah, sometimes the media can be so cynical and wants other people to feel bad about life…What good would come about from that?

  3. Becky says:

    I am so with you Matt, I truly commend Wayne for taking the stand on positive thinking. I am a huge believer in the power of positive thinking , and in fact just finished reading Thomas Wakefield’s latest book on the subject…”The Objective is Happiness.” I believe that god is in control, but having the gift of positive thinking can really help a person get through hard stuff. Why be bitter.

  4. laki says:

    Part of Wayne Dyer’s ‘talk the talk and walk the walk’ was his promotion of faith/psychic healer John of God. Dyer called him the most spiritual man on the planet. He also claimed he was healed of his leukemia by John of god with ‘remote surgery’ over 4,000 miles away. It’s an amazing story! What’s more amazing is the truth, though. Recently, the truth came out and John of God was arrested for various crimes. Among them being 40 plus year history of sexual abuse, rape, murder, money laundering and more!

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