Oh, what glorious beings they were! Flying through the universe on their magnificent golden motorcycles, the cosmic wind in their hair, going wherever they chose, traveling at light speed, sometimes even faster. Their bodies were ephemeral yet defined, and they enjoyed the ageless youth gifted to their species. Only a few thousand years old, they were considered adolescents, not yet the elders of their planet or their universe-elders who each had tens of thousands of years of experience in dealing with complex worlds and the moral difficulties that arose from engaging those worlds.
The beings traveled through this beautiful, endless day, which was much like the many they’d enjoyed together on their annual solstice breaks. As the Class of 2012 at the Academy of Enlightenment, they were fast approaching the time when they would graduate and be given assignments to ensure the balance and stability of the universe for eons to come, much like their elders before them. Today, however, was a day to enjoy the carefree exhilaration of their youth and freedom.
Dozens of them rode together, sharing their boundless joy through their thoughts, for they communicated only with thoughts. Their thoughts shaped words, which they immediately understood; yet communication was instantaneous, faster than words could ever be, and infinitely more clear.
It was a perfect day and they were in high spirits. Suddenly Jack noticed a small bluish planet off to his right. It was about 50,000 miles below but clearly visible to him. “Hey, look over there. That planet seems to be in trouble. I can sense the energy coming from the surface-and it’s full of turmoil, sadness, anger, even rage. I’ve seen this planet before; I have sensed its people and their growth and their struggles. Although there have always been some discordant sparks from this world, I’ve never felt such sorrow as I’m feeling today.” Such was Jack’s instantaneous thought to his riding friends, or as they liked to call themselves, the Golden Motorcycle Gang.
On that magical motorcycle ride through the universe, Jack and his friends had easily picked up on the negative energy coming from planet Earth. The suffering radiating from the dazzling blue ball was unmistakable.
The year on Earth was 1943, and great conflict was raging on much of the planet. The battles engulfed a great deal of its middle band, from one great ocean to the next. The planet was divided into groups called “nations,” which were sometimes the result of geography but oftentimes the result of human choice. Many of the largest and most militarily well-armed nations were focused on the fighting. Almost all the human beings on the planet at that time were thinking about this great conflict, whether their nation would exist if and when the battles ever ended, and if their loved ones would survive and return from the battlefields around the world.
Jack looked around and realized that for perhaps the only time in his existence, he had no explanation for the energy being emitted by this planet. What was this “war,” as the humans called it? What in a human’s life could happen that would convince him or her that it was right and good to end the lives of millions of other identically created life-forms?
Jack decided he needed to learn as much as he could, as quickly as he could, about this concept of “war.” War was not a reality in the outer reaches of the universe where he lived, and although he lacked the understanding of the impulse to hate and kill, he knew he would not be able to help planet Earth unless he learned more about war.
This entry is excerpted from the new book The Golden Motorcycle Gang: a Story of Transformation (November 11, 2011) and is reprinted with permission of Hay House and the authors Jack Canfield and William Gladstone. © 2011
Jack Canfield is the co-author of the #1 New York Times best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which has sold more than 500 million copies in 47 languages. He is a featured teacher in the movies The Secret. Jack is also the CEO of the Canfield Training Group and the founder of the Transformational Leadership Council. William Gladstone is the founder of Waterside Productions and is best known for his international bestseller The Twelve. He is also the co-author of Tapping the Source and co-producer of the film of the same name. In addition, he is a literary agent for many bestselling authors including Eckhart Tolle and Neale Donald Walsch.