This post is a guest article by Vera Lauren
Book shelves are filled with literature on creating financial prosperity and the promise of revealing absolute secrets insuring your desired outcome. Most of us have heard or read these familiar phrases; Ask, believe, then receive, God has a plan, it all happens in His timing, and so on. What no one mentions is what happens when you religiously follow all of the instructions with seemingly no results.
I chose this topic because after nearly two and a half very stress filled years, I finally sold my home in Hawaii. This is a bittersweet ending, and although I am grateful, it came at a very high cost. To better understand my perspective I will share I have been on a life-long spiritual journey. This includes writing and lecturing on Metaphysics all of my adult life. And yes, I have read books and attended lectures on abundance and creating. Until this recent ordeal, friends and associates considered me quite adept at co-creating and patiently applying the Universal laws including karma-cause and effect, surrender, and acceptance. By nature, I am a happy soul and an optimist. No one was more surprised than I the home did not immediately sell, even in consideration of the poor market conditions. I say that because I dealt beyond this realm, putting my faith in God and not the market. Yes, you must be practical, however, the market could be terrific and if all things for you are not in alignment, you might not sell. I prayed and meditated, visualized the home already sold and the new owners enjoying it, recited daily affirmations, wrote myself a mock check, devotionally said countless thank you prayers, wrote in my gratitude journal often, looked for the humor in the experience, applied Feng Shui, and took many other positive actions.
During those years, selling the home was not the only thing I was personally dealing with. If you are trying to sell and home and want some help, please visit this website. In addition, layers and layers of “stuff” was happening. So much so there were days I felt I should protect myself against the seemingly constant assaults from the Universe. I did put things in perspective, counting my blessings and keeping my focus on what I did have and not just the preferred outcome.
Under stressful times it is very interesting truly living in the moment, trying to focus on work, and to do simple things like walking the dogs, exercise, eating right, and other disciplines. I am a nester and found it difficult to dive into my self-imposed responsibilities when all I wanted to do was to close my eyes and wake up when it was all over. There are the obvious problems with indulging in that behavior, like needing an income to pay the utility bills. And then there is the uncertainty of life; what if I am to die while “waiting.” Number one on my list is ascension. So this motivates me not to waste time and to constantly ask: What is the lesson I am supposed to be learning. If I could “get it” then perhaps I could put an end to this prolonged struggle.
Spirit is always rooting for us to be happy. When you are on a deeply committed spiritual path, Spirit wants this for you even more then you do. It is also true the higher you climb the steeper the mountain, hence the more difficult the lessons can be. Always address them with grace because the fall will be farther down. When you make it to the other side it is what Jesus was referring to when he said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God….” What this means is first seek God out of love and greater love will be returned to you. The power you receive from this gift when you align with Spirit can be used to acquire all you deem necessary and right and you will bring into balance the spiritual, mental, and material. (In our book, The Measure of Christ’s Love, Jesus discusses balancing your spiritual life and the material, the excerpt is at the end of this article.)
I wish I could tell you there was a defining moment and a profound lesson. That was not the case. I was always aware situations and experiences are opportunities to show Spirit how conscious we have become. The most important lessons learned were all on a spiritual level. Here is my top ten list:
1. Meditate and pray. Prayer is talking to God. Meditating is listening. If you do all the talking you will not hear what God is saying and He speaks in a whisper.
2. I am a co-creator but–thank God–I am not in charge. We are His children and as such, we do not always know what is best. Rest assured this will not stop me from starting future arguments with our Divine Papa.
3. Intuition is wisdom and always right. Intellectually I understand emotions block intuition and you will not clearly understand the response from Spirit. It will not correctly resonate with you. Always putting this into practice can be a challenge when stressed.
4. My faith was rewarded. Faith is intuitive conviction; an unshakable inner knowing. One’s belief is not always relevant. Not believing in gravity will not change that earthly reality.
5. Our Creator looks at the big picture knowing every detail of our past lives and the necessary karmic balance.
6. A lot of what we focus on is happening only in our minds.
7. Free choice and free will are gifts just as uncertainty is in the duality of this Universe, but we MUST watch our every thought, word, and action.
8. Keep in mind whatever the outcome, no experience ever leaves you where it found you.
9. Sometimes, before a defining spiritual initiation, you might encounter a dry spell that could take years to see through, similar to the dark night of the soul.
10. You can go straight to higher consciousness without suffering.
I still believe in affirmations and all I did had a positive effect. We will never know what would have resulted had I not done anything.especially believe my faith pulled me through and for this I was rewarded by my Higher Self
The love of God was my motivation, even when I did not fully understand what was happening. The power of his returned Infinite love sustained me. This brought me tremendous peace as did the love and support of some very dear people. Meditation and prayer are my “oars” navigating me on the waters of this journey. They helped direct me to that stillness; expanding my consciousness to awakening and to hear God’s whisper within, demonstrating His unconditional love and compassion. Whatever hurdles we are facing, we can all eventually prosper by resurrecting our own consciousness.
The following is an excerpt from our new book The Measure of Christ’s Love and is reprinted with the permission of Tate Publishing. In this excerpt Jesus offers suggestions on creating through his beloved oracle Catherine Julian Dove and messenger Vera Lauren.
Stop limiting your creations
“We would first recommend you release judgment, and see it is merely a circuit, and recognize how you maneuver in this energy field of abundance. See if you are in a frequency of acceptance and to what point. Do you feel discord when you desire something? Do you feel shameful or deserving? One way to overcome a negative feeling toward receiving is to hold the excitement you had as a child when you did not judge yourself for wanting a toy or a day of recreation. Try to work with that image of self. Learn to release the judgments you have been taught about having such things; however, excessiveness is never good in a world so out of balance with materialism, and it has pulled many potential masters from the path. Balance unconditional love with all you are creating. Know God is a Creative Force, and you are intended to be a part of that. Allow that circuit to work through you by learning how you value yourself, and what hidden meanings are a part of your intentions. This is going to take you on an inner journey of your deepest feelings and thoughts held within subliminal levels where some have been told, lifetime after lifetime, they are unworthy. Don’t punish yourself for not having what another has, and shed those ancient beliefs of lack. Do not permit the more recent teachings of abundance to limit you or allow another to say, you must be doing something wrong if you cannot create what you want. This is a misunderstanding of the law of attraction, and those suggesting this may find if they do make a judgment they will soon be walking in your shoes, for this is how the universe, which is conscious, works.”
“Always focus on triumphs, never failures. This does not mean there will not be challenges, but when the focus is success it is easier to move along that current, and each time this attitude is repeated it becomes easier to succeed. Hold success as a diagram you wish to experience, and the universe that operates according to God’s Will can manifest your desires. Success is always God’s Will for everyone, and when this technique is practiced the opportunity to achieve your goals occurs more often. This ability to create what you wish to experience with ease and grace is within everyone. Your outer manifestations are really affected by personal beliefs, your level of intelligence, group consciousness, and karmic patterns. Frequencies of creation are all around, and doors continuously open and close.”
Your Spiritual Life, Materialism, and Balance
The goal of life is not to experience materialism to the point it consumes you; inevitably this will pull you out of alignment with spirit, and cause unhappiness. It is not to say those who have a great deal cannot dwell with me, for I sanctify all who deeply crave this depth of knowledge. You should receive satisfaction from all of your acquired creations, even if you only want to further enhance them; however, when you allow material things to own you, instead of solely enjoying ownership, imbalance is created.
This may surprise you, but not all souls come to earth desiring material gain. Yes, there are souls that chose to learn about wealth by being born rich, and do appreciate what they have. Some folks create their own abundance, and are very generous. Others are tested and fail when they step on another for material gain. Subsequently, they are actually supporting a belief in limitation and lack, which is fear-based. Your customs have brought about monumental misunderstandings, and often those people do not remember or experience the simple pleasures, and some loose a considerable amount of light in these endeavors.
Beloveds, at this present time a spiritual life is not completely understood by the majority, and it is more important than all of the material possessions on earth. The latter are only temporary conveniences, and everyone should consider using some of their leisure time to understand the true nature of their being. The indwelling spirit lives in eternity, oneness, and unity, and it is not preoccupied by any sense of status in a community. The saints experienced communion with me because they placed that as their most valued commodity, and they did not obsess very much over the outer world. I am truly an instructor of the soul, and a doorway for you, and those who call themselves my disciples, and I love everyone. When communing we create a ripple in the fabric of this universe, and I generate wave patterns that bring knowledge, and understanding. I set this experience in motion by causing a stirring in your hearts.
Most of you have dreams where you do not feel like yourselves, and somehow know you are something more. In other words, you feel there is more substance to who you are than the reflection in the mirror, and the life you are leading. This memory is given in order for the human soul to stir and hear the call I have spoken of, that knock on the door, to see if you are ready to allow me to awaken you. As you learn more of whom you are your light grows in accordance with your divine and true nature, and I will continue to work to expand your spiritual development. As the Celestial Christ, I span many universes. When I was the embodiment of Jesus, I healed many so they would have the opportunity to love God, and to know they were loved, cherished, and perfect in God’s Eyes.
It is also what I do for everyone who is ready to receive me. In the early stages you hold onto me very tightly, since you do not know the way of the divine. Your hearts and minds are challenged in various circumstances as you learn the will of Christ in your life, the Will of God, and His purpose for you. You draw strength from me, and I freely share this gift as my service to humankind. The lessons are intended to be about kindness, forgiveness, love, and the sharing of God’s light, for all who ask to partake of it, because everyone has a dwelling place within the Lord. As I have been saying, each one of you, along with your planet, is on a journey of understanding, and experiencing divine love as it moves through innumerable systems of thought. During the process of initiation seals are opened, and you receive a deeper comprehension of the Allness of the Divine, and how It relates Itself to levels within creation. To be whole and healed again requires forgiving all others and holding a just mind; this is what I taught. Not only do you need to experience a higher state of consciousness, you must remain there. The material world the masses succumb to is not evil in itself.
Although, when a person is not in balance it does energetically have the power to bring forth misfortune, and misunderstandings; souls who get involved in the imbalance of materialism are sometimes called back to the center of their being through a loving act of mercy from their own God Presence.
Catherine Julian Dove is an oracle for the masters Jesus, Mother Mary, and many, many other ascended masters. Jesus explains, a high level channel like Catherine only comes along every 200 years or so, if that. In 1989 Ms. Dove’s spiritual journey was heightened with visitations from Mother Mary and Jesus as well as many other ascended masters such as; Lord Kuthumi, who is an incarnation of Saint Francis, Sanat Kumara, also known as The Ancient of Days, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Buddha, members of the Karmic Board, and many other ascended masters and Archangels who come through the Christ Matrix, a grid from Alpha and Omega of the Great Central Sun, utilizing and developing the Christ energies.
Catherine ascended on March 19, 2010 comforted by the knowledge the Office of the Christ’s work will continue to raise consciousness in the hands of her dear sister friend Vera Lauren. The master’s hand-picked Vera Lauren and groomed her to take over the reins. In her final days, Catherine helped further prepare Vera for this honorable role. Catherine left Vera with an enormous reserve of her channelings combined with Vera’s knowledgeable background, channeling, writing and editing skills, readers will be thrilled to know there are many, many teachings soon to come. Since Jesus is the author, through his oracle, Catherine Julian Dove, rest assured all future books using Catherine’s prolific channelings from Jesus, will be written by his messenger, Vera Lauren, in the exact style, integrity, and moral high bar as the first book.
Vera Lauren, Catherine’s longtime friend, is a contemporary master, a highly intuitive channel with an awakened spirit who is a writer, editor, and compiled all the books. She was appointed by the Office of the Christ to be the president and spokesperson for the Christ Matrix. Vera is an inspirational and empowered emotional healer, and compassionate communicator; selflessly living her life in service. Ms. Lauren perpetually contributes to the planetary ascension process and truly lives as an example of her philosophies of higher consciousness. She is a straightforward and loving spiritual counselor and continues to be blessed by visions from many masters.
Rev. Vera Lauren is available for lectures, signings and interviews. Please be sure to check out the 26 five star reviews. For more information please visit:
Wow. This excerpt is fantastic! I can’t wait to read the whole book. I had no idea you had this ability. Hope to talk soon.