This article is written and copyright by Ann Bolinger — McQuade.
I would like to thank Matt Welsh for hosting me as a guest blogger, as part of the virtual book tour celebration for my book, EVERYDAY ORACLES — Decoding The Divine Messages That Are All Around Us.
This week’s blog features a fascinating series of personal oracles that were recorded by a schoolteacher and sent to me through my website. She shares how she noticed each one and then goes on to explain what inspired her to embrace those mysterious arms that were supporting her all along…
Here is the schoolteacher’s submission in its entirety.
There are several parts to this sharing. The first is how your book came into my hands – I belong to a book club and often choose not to get the monthly selection, or get it and put it to the side until a time when that book “speaks” to me. Not so with Everyday Oracles. I immediately ordered it when it was offered. I began reading it the day it arrived, both highly unusual choices for me.
The next parts are why this book needed to be in my hands now. I “know” how to listen and how to hear the messages, but for the last many years the daily life has worn me down and I could not consistently stay tuned in. Having this book come into my hands at this time made reading it highly unlikely. I am an elementary school teacher and the last weeks of August and the beginning of September are busy and stressful. I have nearly finished the book. And some very clear experiences have reminded me of how multi-layered our world is.
One morning, when I had just begun the book, I was driving to work trying to quiet the racing squirrel that lives in my brain. I thought, “I know oracles are everywhere. I need to just relax and……” and there was the sign….a beautiful brown doe, gazing over her shoulder as I breezed by, quiet contemplation reminding me that when life events are important a deer appears for me. Okay, understood. I thanked the universe and went on.
Besides being a busy teacher, my family life has been extremely chaotic and overwhelming with demands and needs. One particularly difficult morning, again, driving, I was thinking of the book. Usually sky oracles for me had been in form of rainbows or lights shining through the clouds, but this was a very rainy, grey morning and I wondered about cloud messages and there it was….the universe sent me a heart, one that remained there as I traveled, sending me the message of love that I so needed to hear. I finished the drive thanking the Universe.
During these weeks full of demands I had been ranting at my husband that I needed someone to take care of me, I was taking care of everyone else, expecting him to start stepping up. After another heated discussion I picked up the book and on p.204 I read, “You have a choice here. You can either open the door to the assistance that is right there……………..It is in these moments precisely that you can experience mysterious arms supporting you – if only you are willing to feel them.” There it was, right in your words. Again I spent the morning thanking the Universe for such a clear message.
That same morning, almost as if to make sure I got the message, as I l drove away from the grocery store a sea gull swooped in front of my car, circled sharply and swooped directly in front of me again. As I wondered what message the sea gull was bringing I sensed the words, “We are here.” With heartfelt relief I thanked the Universe yet again for sending me such clear and concise messages.
Thank you for putting your words and the stories of so many others in this book to support us in our journey. Thank you for helping me regain my sense of synchronicity. Thank you.
Ann’s note to our teacher:
Your experiences along with the gratitude you express along the way is truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing.
In her bestselling book, Everyday Oracles: Decoding the Divine Messages That Are All Around Us, author Ann Bolinger-McQuade uses memorable stories and photos to introduce the formula for how personal oracles work, then teaches you how to recognize and decode yours. If you have personal oracle experiences to share, please submit them to Ann through her website She will respond personally. And while you’re there, check out the cloud photos in the interactive “What Do You See Section.” Have fun and exercise your psychic muscles. Who knows, you may discover a personal oracle hiding in plain sight, just waiting to deliver a special message to you.
Follow Ann on her Virtual Book Tour by visiting the following web site below: