The World is your Drumming Circle

By Jill Mattson

The beat pattern of the rain speeds up and calms down until it slackens to a slight drip-drop. The brittle fall leaves create precise rattle-sounds, rustling and shaking like a tambourine. Yet, the spring leaves birth fresh and soft rhythms, as they wave in the beat of the wind.

Invisible currents from animals running, moving insects, wings flapping overhead and even our own footsteps provide our own personal drumming circle. Just as we connect with others by joining a drumming circle and sharing the rhythm, nature joins with us in our own individual drumming circle.

Our rhythms reflect who we are to a larger extent than we ever imagined. Our personality is reflected in our personal rhythms: our gait of walking, how fast or slow we speak and move, and even our characteristic postures with their unconscious communications. In the Caribbean, this signature rhythm is called your tumbao; it is as unique as your finger prints. It is the unique beat that you project!

The environment unconsciously moves us with circadian rhythms of Mother Nature. Her beat-pattern of summer, fall, winter and spring gently guide our moods. Her swing-like movements of more and less sunlight, softly rock us into compliance, as the days march on.

Shooting down from the sky are invisible frequencies, below our hearing range, originating from the movements of the stars in the heavens, combining with magnetic currents from underground magna – deep within the Earth. These multilayered waves combine with the rhythms of our breath, circulation and heart beats. Rhythms in close proximity “entrain” and impact each other. We are a fluid participant in the rhythms of Earth.

We naturally sync with the energies and rhythms around us — without any conscious thought that this has occurred. We submerse ourselves in beat patterns of phone and internet signals. We are in the center of a drumming circle of cars impatiently honking, fire sirens screaming, people yelling and frantic hip hop sounds pulsing out of phones. The brain naturally looks for repeating patterns – as we have evolved in nature and she responds to such patterns of sound. Man’s chaotic drumming without any pattern, tires the brain, producing stress and draining our peace and energy.

We are more connected than we ever imagined to rhythms and beats, many that we are unaware of. Our life pace and our hearts reflect sounds from within our bodies as well as from the environment and the cosmos. This fall, consider immersing yourself in calming sound patterns. Our bodies relax and restore with caresses of nature’s healing drumming circles.


About the author

Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician and Author. Jill is widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound & Color Healing!  She has also produced nine musical CDs with intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques, & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits.  Jill is a four – time author. (Crystal Realms CD — Best Sound Healing CD of 2017, Best Overall Music (popular Vote and Industry Leader’s Choice — Gold Awards), The Lost Waves of Time — Best Book of 2016 and Best Alternative Science book of 2016, Deep Wave Body Healing CD— Best Sound Healing CD of 2016, Contacting Angels & Masters CD — Best CD of 2015 and Deep Wave Beauty CD — Best New Age CD — Silver Award).  Jill has participating in many hundreds of teleseminars, radios shows, and magazines! She offers an online Sound (& Color) Healing School. Jill presents new ways of approaching health and everyday issues using the benefits of sound and color! Free music & School of Sound Healing at