Psychological tips on how to study better

Published by Tim Case a writer at

Description:We have collected for you the most useful and straightforward psychological tips and tricks on how to manage your study and life. Read this short article about five psychological categories and their approaches to both study and life that will help you to become a better person and will make your life easier.

Learning Process: Psychological Tips

There are a lot of different online and offline courses, meeting, and marathons that promise to make our study easier. However, few of them have an empirical research background. Therefore, a team of professional psychologists has collected top psychological tips and tricks on how to make a learning process much easier and pleasant. It is known that psychological health is as important as physical and emotional are. Our tips are divided into five categories:  learning and cognition, motivation, emotional and social dimensions, context and learning, and assessment.

We pay attention to these five items because they make a core of each educational system at schools and universities. Go on reading, and you will find out how to manage your learning process, improve your mental and physical health, and reach your goals by becoming an outstanding student with good learning skills.

Learning and cognition

The most widespread and challenging issue is how to improve student’s learning and thinking at lessons and at home. We can often see intelligent students who cannot manage their thoughts and learning process due to the personal psychological peculiarities. That is why the first points in this list aim to present some of the most effective and straightforward ways of how different teaching practices may help every student to become better and improve his\her skills.

  1. Explore your brain peculiarities

Researchers claim that students, who are well familiar with how the brain processes run, better understand the meaning of being successful. The main point here is to show students that a lot of world-famous people make mistakes, but still go on to improve their knowledge. That is why it is not terrible if you make some mistakes in your test or paper. Just remember that making mistakes is a part of your study process. Do not be afraid of this.

  1. Previous knowledge, context, and feedback.

The effect of each course depends on whether a student has enough prior experience to learn something new. It is proved that if you are familiar with the topic a little bit deeper, you will get much more from this course than the student who does not have even an idea about this course. That is why even if you learn something new, try to use your prior knowledge and put in the context to make an entire picture of information. Of course, it is highly important to use this knowledge, in other words, to practice it. Thus, it will be easier to understand and memorize it. This point is for students as well as for teachers\professors. The latter should examine students’ knowledge background and explain new material to students using their prior knowledge. Also, we highly encourage all teachers to give their students clear and timely feedback. It will make the learning process much more efficient.

  1. No limits

Scientists argue that there is no strict correlation between the stage of development and cognitive\learning skills. It means, for instance, that mixing first-year students and sophomores may have a positive impact on the learning process for both groups.

  1. Self-regulation and creativity

These two items are opposites, but both of them are crucial to the learning process. You cannot live without self-regulation that includes knowledge of how to manage your attention, emotions, critical thinking, self-estimation, etc. It means you should be well-organized. At the same time, it is highly crucial to be creative. Nowadays, it is not enough to be well-organized to become successful in whatever: business, life, study, etc. Furthermore, creativity will help you to remember and to process information in your own way, which increases the level of efficiency. Thus, well-organizing and creativity are two items, which will make you a strong player in the game called life.


Nothing is possible if you are not motivated. There are different types of motivations.

  1. Internal and external motivation

Each teacher\professor motivates their students to become better through learning something exciting and new. However, external motivation will not bring any results without interior student’s desire to study. Thus, it is also essential to set up your inner motivation.

  1. Goals setting

Many students face plenty of difficulties setting their goals. Sometimes they are too young and sometimes they have no idea about what their goals are. Therefore, it is incredibly significant to explain to students two types of goals: short- and long-term ones. Usually, students have a lot of troubles with long-term goals, whereas it is much easier to set short-term goals. Most of these short-term goals are set up through lessons, professors’ feedback, expectations, etc. Therefore, proper setting and following your short-term aims will lead you to your desirable long-term goal. Thus, you will always be motivated and will have clear understanding of what is going on in your life.

Emotional and social dimensions

It is obvious that your study success depends on such things as a society, family relationship, and emotional and material well-being.

  1. Society

The impact of the environment where you are growing up is huge. Most of your principles are formed in your childhood. Then, you will have a chance to change or improve them, but only if you leave this society.

  1. Family relationship

It is hard to concentrate on something if your life is full of quarrels and disagreements. The support of the closest people is incredibly crucial does not how old you are.

  1. Well-being

Emotional and material stability are the best for successful personal development. The lack of one of them will lead to undesirable results.

Context and learning

The quality of our learning process depends a lot on our classroom learning. Remember, that if you are a professor\teacher, you should be sure that there is a friendly and comfortable atmosphere in your class. You should assist students and support them timely. It will help them to be self-confident and respect others.


The question of assessment is always a difficult question. We highly encourage you to follow these tips to be a fair teacher\professor.

  1. Use formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments allow you to estimate the student’s efforts and encourage doing more. Summative assessments give you a chance to demonstrate the student’s learning tendency, compare, and analyze it.
  2. Ensure that your assessments are accurate. It is easier to be sure of assessment accuracy with multiple-choice tests, and much harder to estimate individual papers, etc. Thus, do not be too strict with your assessments. Even if you do not have an excellent summative result, try to interpret it softly and encourage the student to think about its reasons.

Good luck!