Interview with Randy Kleinman, author of A Logical Approach to Spirituality: Shattering the Religious Paradigm and Finding Your Inner Truth

Randy Kleinman is the author of A Logical Approach to Spirituality: Shattering the Religious Paradigm and Finding Your Inner Truth. I recently had a chance to interview him. Our interview covers:

  1. The relationship between science and spirituality
  2. How people can incorporate spiritual practices into their everyday life, including work and relationships
  3. How Randy uses spirituality and mindfulness to manage his stress, emotions, and reactions as a trial lawyer
  4. What the Law of One is and how to use it to be more connected to others, even people we get angry at
  5. How to incorporate authenticity into your life, especially when you are feeling imperfect, vulnerable, scared to share your truth, and also while you pursue your own personal greatness
  6. Personal synchronicities involving birth dates, numbers, and writing books

Randy’s authenticity, honesty, and vulnerability come through during our conversation. His book will help anyone looking for practical ways to incorporate spirituality into their everyday life, meaningful tools to become more authentic, and greater appreciation for how we can connect to others. I also appreciated that Randy’s honesty when said he has not mastered the spiritual practices he talks about, but does make a daily effort to incorporate them into his life. It was also fascinating to hear how his job as a trial lawyer involves “fighting” with people everyday, but he does it in a way that is respectful, maintains emotional stability, and deescalates conflict. As his website states:

If you’re interested in a more down-to-earth approach to spirituality, his groundbreakingly accessible discussion is exactly what you need to see this physical day-to-day life from an entirely new, fresh, spiritual lens.”

For more information about Randy and his book, please visit his website at