By Mark Eck
  Unfortunately they’re going to get alot tougher. People who develop a bond with spirit will fair way better than those who do not. My blog at. will explain how you can make that bond happen. Events in the world have sped up since 9/11. There is a reason. And I think that reason is for us humans to let God into our lives.. By allowing spirit to help us in our daliy activities. It is time to set aside our selfish ways and become more benevolent. Our selfishness is the root cause to all our upsetments that occupy our troubled minds. All the things we go through is for a purpose. That purpose is to learn life’s lessons. Be gratefull for the lessons, they’re there to make us smarter and more happier as the days go by. When we unleash anger it degrades us. Nothing good comes from it. You choke yourself off from spirit’s connection. I felt that choke when I exhibited anger to a friend of mine. He did me wrong though, but I was unjustified in using anger. Spirit allowed me to feel that loss of connectiveness to spirit. I took a big financial hit but it was so worth it. I thought I was justified but I found out… that was not to be the case. No justification of anger. Find a way to resolve a situation without the anger. Anger has a boomerang affect on your body, what you unleash on others will come and bite you. Like accident or cancer or heart problems. Those seeds of hate bury themselves into your body, wrecking havoc in your life. Get rid of those seeds by forgiving and forgetting. Then move on to better new experiences. The more we understand the better we become. Each day we grow into that higher self, which is our destiny.