Even Keel

By Mark Eck from bluediamond56.blogspot.com

Even Keel is what you need when gliding your boat upon the waters. We are like that boat. Travel through life on an even keel. Not leaning to the left or the right too much. Too much lean can tip the boat. We have to think …to keep the boat afloat. Just like in life, we try to survive to the best of our abilities.  It’s not easy.  We make mistakes aplenty, learning from them hopefully as we go along. The journey should go a little easier as we get older, provided we did actually learn.

To keep us going, God has given us the gift of spirit as a helper in our quest to be a more loving soul which is what we really are.  First you have to prove that spirit is for real. So to do that, you put spirit to the test.  AsÄ· it to show itself to you. When you get an experience, don’t  try to make light of it, saying ..oh that was  just a coincidence. Accept it and ask for more experiences. These experiences can come from dreams or daily experiences. From the mundane to the profound. When you get them, write them down and full date of their occurrence. It will be about you and your experiences with spirit. It’s like being a detective, that will really change your life for the better. Your awareness will expand and you will make better choices for yourself. With a friend like spirit, it is here that you go to for the best advice,  it does have your back you know. Don’t  hesitate to call on it at anytime.

After we are born, we slowly forget our connection to spirit. The rest of our life is about trying to reconnect with spirit. It didn’t  go away, it was  always there all along. It was us who went away.  All we have to do is make that big u-turn to reconnect.  Just make it your will to do so, since we all have Free Will.  No matter what mess your in, spirit has an off ramp for you. All you have to do is ask.

There will be bumps along the road but this time you will be aided by spirit. Now is the time to make  that choice. Invest in a more fruitful  life. Your journey has always been written by you. You are the one in charge of you. Go  for it.