Enter the Journey: A Mystical Guide for Rebirth and Renewal

Enter the Journey: A Mystical Guide for Rebirth and Renewal

By Rosanna Ienco / www.o-books.com

  The pulse of the earth is calling to all of us but how many truly listen? We are living in hectic times. There has never been a better time to go back into nature and restore your energy. Our soul craves the very essence of the natural world as much as our dear earth mother needs our care.

  Imagine you are in the heart of Sedona’s red rocks, a picturesque postcard. As you enter the mystery, you will feel your heart pulsing, aligning with the call of the earth. A gentle breeze tickles your face, as you breathe in the atmosphere as if to enter a mystical terrain. The land speaks, and if you listen you will hear its whispers. Inspiration invites you to merge into the high frequencies of the vortexes where the magnetic scenery is awakening something deep within you. 

  Serendipity will navigate your journey bringing many synchronicities. A place where kindred spirits cross paths to exchange stories of endless adventures. This land has a way of magnifying your thoughts and feelings so be prepared for a deeper, inward journey. Many believe it can help assist your healing and personal journey with an elevated vibration aligned to that of divine love and light, and a connection to all things universal. If you are willing to let go of that which no longer serves you, the dynamic energies of Sedona will be ready to assist you. 

  Enter the Journey is a guide for rebirth and renewal, a gateway into a new way of being. There are four parts for you to move through. Part one is Introspection, where we delve deeper into connecting with your spirit animals, spirit allies and an ancient guide that will lead you through an exercise of transformation as you enter the mystery. The Autumn mist fills the scene as it helps to reveal the next steps you want to take on your own pilgrimage. There you will encounter the dancing leaves as you witness the graceful art of letting go. The sunset and sweet surrender make time stand still as you take part in a sacred ceremony and step into part two, Integration.

Are you ready to meet another guide? Amber eyed woman will stop you in your tracks as you begin to absorb your own reflection. Be aware as she takes no nonsense and will only guide you when you are ready to do the work on yourself to initiate changes in your life. She is fierce and once you surrender, there is no escaping her gaze until you become completely honest with yourself. Here you will commune with more guides and delve into meditations and experiential exercises, as we begin to enter the magical landscape of Sedona.    

  The masculine vortex is a good starting place if you want to inhale the breathtaking sunset at dusk and capture a spectacular view of Sedona. Your senses will transcend into an awe-inspiring dance as you taste the magic of nature and invite more of the ancient forces to enhance your own unique, sacred ceremony. The ancient cliff dwellings, a backdrop of magnificent scenery will stir your soul, awakening all that has been sleeping or deeply stagnant. Rising in ever higher frequencies, the portals will steer you in the direction of your true authentic self.

  The thread of the chapters will allow you to pause whenever needed to integrate your own progress. Stay on course in the poetic flow as we move through the journey of the heart into the feminine vortex. This potent, yet gentle gateway gives you the opportunity to swim in the healing waters of Oak Creek (metaphorically speaking). Her energy is audacious. With crystal clear intention you will be sure to find what you have been seeking if you surrender further and allow yourself to become in alignment with your own natural rhythm. 

  Here we embody divine gratitude to enhance your experience further. Mystic beings, bird messengers and tree spirits begin to come alive, giving you the chance to hear infinite wisdom. After becoming revitalized and blessed by the stillness within and cleansed by the sacred waters, we continue to Kachina Woman at Boynton Canyon, the vortex of balance. 

  The enchanted echoes of this mysterious canyon will unveil greater mysteries and whisper secrets to you. If you align yourself between Warrior Rock and Kachina Woman, your curiosity will be fulfilled with ancient voices, and even singing has been heard by some who sit and meditate amongst the spirits of the canyon. There is always a gift waiting to be collected if you stay open to receiving. You may even find a crystal tucked away in the crevasses of the rocks waiting for you in your physical reality or through the corridors of your mind.

  A new day dawns at Bell Rock, the strengthener vortex, where the dead zone meets divine destiny and the dialing up of higher frequencies will leave you feeling euphoric. If you haven’t yet learned the art of letting go, then this vortex will prepare you. Allow yourself the delightful gift of elevation in your creative flow of love and immense light as we pierce through elevated states of our being. 

When entering this portal, I always feel like my whole body is being tickled by vibrant colors. Although a miraculous experience, you don’t necessarily have to visit physically to tap into the beauty and soul of this magical vortex. Through the pages of this guide, you are already connecting to the blissful essence and the spirits of this colorful landscape. 

  As we head into part three of the book, Interweaving, the Shamans Cave awaits, a sacred dwelling filled with mysteries and memories. A powerful healing portal where you are invited to become all that you are meant to be, as you call in and surround yourself with your power animals and spirit guides. Departed loved ones may even pay you a visit. Your soul will remember its purpose and promise. 

  Moon dance and moonflowers fill your spirit of inquiry to prepare you for your deepest journey yet into the Birthing Cave, the great womb of our divine earth mother. Are you ready for rebirth? Here you will push through any resistance. When you are ready to honor your new journey, you are invited to engage in a mystic meditation, a re-birth ceremony and ritual. Will you accept the invitation? 

  Part four encapsulates you deeply into your Imagination and poetic spirit. Vancouver Island’s mystical rainforest where the mist moves mysteriously through the abundant greenery and the streams are abundant with salmon. This paradise will nurture your soul as stories of spirits come to life amongst Douglas fir trees and tall cedars in a truly magnificent wild wilderness. 

Step into your creative, natural flow as you open the portals within and invite a new way of being to bless your path and activate your destiny. 

  The lake freezes over at Lake Louise, realigning all the energy chakras to further assist you in angelic equilibrium. Emerald lake is where you will unveil hidden wisdom amongst the blue-green water of truth where you re-create your dreams. Ancient guides return in a captivating dialogue of unforgettable insight.

  The drum continues to beat in a celebration ceremony to bless you on your continued path of sovereignty, reminding you that the earth lives within you and all things are connected and precious while nature calls you back to your natural state of being. The spirits of the land wait to connect with you and want to be honored as all things are very much alive. Take a moment to inhale into your own frequency and like the river, allow yourself to flow naturally and endlessly into your own blissful destiny. 

Enter the Journey: A Mystical Guide for Rebirth and Renewal by Rosanna Ienco is available from www.o-books.com and from wherever books are sold.

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