What to Look for When Buying Essential Oils

What to Look for When Buying Essential Oils

In a market where every company claims to have “pure” essential oils, how do you really know if the oils you’re using are pure? How do you know if the essential oils you’re buying are worthy of being used by you and your family?

Pure essential oils have an incredible potential to soothe, support, and revive you and your loved ones in a completely natural way. If you want the best essential oils, find out if the company you plan to buy from takes the following precautions to ensure the quality of their oils:

  • Sustainable and responsible sourcing (Where do their oils come from?)
  • Extensive and thorough testing (Do they test their oils for adulteration and contamination?)
  • Clear and accessible safety and usage information (Do they show customers how to use the oils safely?)
  • Transparency (Do they use third-party testing? Do they make test results public?)

What Makes doTERRA Different?

When you use a bottle of doTERRA essential oil, you’re using an oil that is pure. There are no contaminants, fillers, or adulterations. The essential oil industry did not have standards to ensure purity, so doTERRA created one.

Every batch of doTERRA essential oils goes through a rigorous testing process-well beyond what would be considered “good enough.” After that, each oil is sent to an independent third party for further testing and validation.

I recently tried doTERRA essential oils. They come in a variety of aromas and can be used for a variety of purposes. I found them most helpful during my yoga and meditation practices. It helped me generate deeper levels of meditation, focus, peace, and concentration. This heightened level of focus and awareness stayed with me throughout the day. For more information and to purchase them, you can click here.

If you would like a personal consultation on essential oils , you can visit https://zarinebharda.teachable.com/ 


This information came from https://www.doterra.com. When you click on the link above, Spiritual Media Blog receives a commission for any products you purchase through that link. If you do purchase with the above link you are getting more than just the oils. You also get access to a complete 12 week education program that comes to your emails directly to support you on your oil journey.