Journey from Confusion to Clarity: Finding Direction in a Complex World

Journey from Confusion to Clarity: Finding Direction in a Complex World

By Dr. Gian Kumar, PhD.

The human mind, I assume, is leading us on a roller-coaster ride for thousands of years, trapping us in a cycle of emotions, desires, accumulations, attachments, and selfishness. Corruption, greed, and conflict persist despite efforts to advance humanity through religion, spirituality, and technology, as well as excessive involvement in greed-based practices, which overshadow spiritual values and lead to economic disparities. Wars fuelled by territorial and ideological factors continue, often using religion to justify violence.

Technology we rave about today, besides bringing progress, also fuels wars with advanced destructive weapons for mass killings, disrupting with challenges like cyber warfare. Religious institutions become politicized, while spiritual gurus, workers, and their assistants are more keen to commercialize preachings for name, fame, wealth, and amassing followers. From religious beliefs to spiritual methods like chanting mantras, zen, Tai-chi, transcendental meditation, etc., we have not been able to address the world’s destructive issues as we hope and expect. 

We keep collecting higher information from different scientific and spiritual sources without trying to apply them properly. I am sure you will agree that human-created methods have not given us the peace and harmony we seek in today’s turbulent world. We add knowledge without earnestly comprehending, applying it holistically, or dedicatedly. As a result, most human-made methods have been unsuccessful in offering the peace of mind and harmony we desperately seek in today’s chaotic world.

Confusion impacts everyone; we are unclear about what we want from life. Differentiating between truth, lies, and fiction challenges our brains. Religions have brainwashed us so thoroughly that we no longer recognize the actual reality around us. As a result, our sensory organs and subconscious minds stop responding to reality, even when our conscious minds strive to think truthfully and scientifically. To perceive authentic reality or truth, we need to break free from those deep-rooted prejudices created by our society. We need to seek clarity in all we know before believing all the jargon instilled in us by those who consider themselves superior. Until we do this, we will remain confused and continue to spread this to others, just as others have previously confused us.

Our thinking process remains a mess, repetitively brooding, multitasking randomly and recklessly, un-centered and not focused. Spiritual knowledge and its methods also have not mastered our ego-self. I have yet to come across a single person I can vehemently and with conviction agree that they are truly spiritual. Each of us is trying to project our persona to procure name, fame, or wealth, which means that we become overly attached to our identity and all that we have acquired from this material world. None of us are selflessly willing to give up on the oneness that spirituality demands.

It is after we feel mentally weak, depressed, physically ill, experience material loss, or are under fear that we, in desperation, turn to mix religion and spirituality as a means of escape. Both are different subjects, as religion creates divisions, while spiritualism fosters unity. We deceive our minds, presuming we are now spiritual, not knowing the falsity we have landed. The proof of this lies that despite thousands of years of religion and spiritualism, with more and more additions of spiritual, religious, self-help books and life coaches to mentors, we have not made any significant progress in making our world morally, ethically, and spiritually better. Gone are those days of Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus, who sacrificed their lives for the sake and betterment of all. We have failed to evolve and transform from our essential animalistic stature of lust, greed, and contempt to be worthy of being called a conscious human being. Our self-centeredness far overtakes our spiritual awareness. WHY?

When I truthfully look within, even after decades of being submerged in spiritualism, I cannot abolish ego entirely. I still carry that false mask over my actual spiritual being. Animal nature continues to want this and that for my likes and dislikes. Even to date, I am very much attached to my self-identity in body and mind for prominence and outer recognition. If you wish to be spiritual, the only answer is to awaken the third component of our self, the soul lying dormant within. If we consistently self-observe our mind unquestioningly without any justifications or judgments, we shall learn the art of self-awareness with clarity. Through the soul, the spirit spontaneously and intuitively combines with the intellectual cognitive mind, making us aware and conscious of all we perceive. The subjective(soul) and the objective(mind), the abstract and the physical, the active and the contemplative combine their resources with clarity to evolve and transform beyond our narrow outlook of me and mine. Self-observation for the sake of self-awareness is the key to emerging from mental confusion toward clarity with clairvoyance to unlock the secret of sublime life.  

Having clarity is essential for a fulfilling life, both personally and professionally. It involves clear perception, defined goals, and decisive action. Seeking clarity through self-knowledge with self-awareness, inwardly asking essential questions, and actively listening without arguing benefits one’s profession, relationships, and well-being, enhancing the quality of life. Clarity is a guiding lighthouse of insight and purpose in a world to see things for what they are, and confidently navigating life depends on this trait, which cuts through all we know. It benefits decisions, goals, and communication in personal and professional realms, essential for mental health and growth. 

Seeking and achieving clarity in life requires introspection, efficient processes, knowledge expansion, effective communication, good health, meditation, setting clear goals, and input from others, leading to a more focused and planned existence. Staying mindful of our thoughts, emotions, and actions paves the way for clarity to permeate our lives. By fostering a state of inner calm and alignment, we can navigate challenges with poise and purpose. Embracing clarity invites us to see the underlying truths amidst the noise, guiding us toward a harmonious existence rooted in authenticity and fulfillment. Consistent self-reflection aids in the eradication of internal strife and discord. At each given moment, we can achieve mindfulness through meditative awareness by understanding our true motives and desires and aligning our actions with more profound ideals.

Clarity directs us toward specific activities and helps us develop attainable goals. In a confusing environment, clarity is critical. As a result, we can cut through the noise better and make the decisions that will provide meaning and fulfillment to our lives. Clarity is a way of life that helps us connect with our authentic selves and fulfill our life’s purpose, and it is not merely a mental condition. It takes you toward your inner intuitiveness, intelligence, and cognitive intellect with certainty to determine the truth from your perspective rather than mindlessly following outwardly from the preachings of those you believe to be accurate, lacking empirical evidence.

There are a lot of different schools of thought when it comes to the best ways to reach spiritual development. But one deep thought jumps out: that clarity is the highest kind of mindfulness. We attain genuine understanding and insight from this outlook through simple, unadulterated mental and spiritual clarity rather than intricate ideologies or mystical and mythological encounters. Seeing things for what they are, free from prejudice, anxiety, or wishful thinking, is the essence of clarity. It is the absence of doubt and uncertainty, characterized by a harmony between one’s words and deeds. Aside from being intellectually fulfilling, being in this condition of clear awareness ties us to the underlying facts of our existence, which has a profound spiritual impact.

Many spiritual systems emphasize clarity. Wisdom (prajna) in Hinduism characterizes clarity by intuitive intelligence. Through Vasishta Yoga, one may unite one’s body, mind, soul, and spirit to liberate oneself from illusions, fixations, and distractions and perceive reality as it is. Brahman, the non-dual ultimate reality, can be practiced via introspection and the elimination of ignorance, according to the Indian philosophy of Advaita Vedanta. In this context, it is essential to acknowledge that there is just one absolute reality, which can neither be created nor destroyed – only converted from one relative or subset form to another.   

A fundamental component of obtaining clarity is a steadfast dedication to telling the truth, regardless of how unpleasant that may be. We move our attention away from outward sermons and practices to an inner condition of being when we consider clarity as the core of spirituality. This view teaches us to live by our most profound principles, keep our minds open and focused, and seek the truth in everything instead of impulsively or mindlessly believing those we subconsciously presume to be superior and are not. Doing so clarifies your progress and helps create a more peaceful and enlightened world.

Finally, to conclude, I reiterate that clarity in thoughts is supreme and a consequence of spiritual awareness because it is the core of all spiritual routes. The radiance chases away the shadow of ignorance, the insight that directs our steps, and the tranquility that envelops our souls. The path to transcendence begins with the cultivation of clarity, which allows us to accept spirituality for what it is. Clarity is crucial for navigating life, decision-making, and building meaningful relationships. It entails clear perception, effective communication, and aligning actions with values. Simplifying our lives and fostering personal growth comes through reducing mental clutter, practicing mindfulness, and pursuing truth. Embracing clarity demands steady effort and a readiness to confront complexities. Ultimately, clarity brings wisdom and a stronger bond with our true self – the spirit.