A Guide to Angel Communication and Spiritual Laws

A Guide to Angel Communication and Spiritual Laws

By Nancy Yearout (www.6th-books.com)

Connect to Your Guardian Angel

The Angels are with us now and have always been our helpers as we travel our path in life. They encourage us to soar to new heights of consciousness. They whisper in our ear to comfort and guide us. They nudge us to be more compassionate with ourselves and of others. The Angels are Spirt/Gods helpers. Their mere presents radiate love and light to all our brothers and sisters. Ask anyone if they believe in Angels and the answer will most often be, yes.

There are many accounts of these heavenly helpers in books and paintings depicting angels in their elegant form with wings often trimmed in gold. Some of us have had encounters with the angelic realm, me included. Communicating with my Guardian Angel and Source energy has created a life of joy, balance and abundance that has brought peace, love and joy to my soul.

Your Angel knows everything about you, your likes, dislikes, your hopes and dreams. Your Guardian Angel is with you when you are born and is with you when you transition to the other side. Getting to know your Angel is a positive life experience.

The Angels are very hard at work assisting us in establishing a higher consciousness while we are here on earth learning and growing and experiencing life. They are beside us to guide our soul’s evolution.

This enlightening experience has been so powerful that I am now sharing with you how to connect with your own Angel in A Guide to Angel Communication and Spiritual Law. The Angels are Spirit/God helpers and are here to love, comfort and encourage us through our lives. They are Spirt/God messengers bringing us signs to guide each of us if we choose to pay attention the indicators.

My intent is to teach humanity how to connect with their own Guardian Angel and to Spirit/God. There are different names for this radiant light of love, but what I am referring to is the love energy that comes from the source of all creation that connects us all.  Love is the highest vibration in the universe and heals all. Just as healing comes from love, the earth is calling us to spend more time in nature as you will read about the connection of grounding.

In, A Guide to Angel Communication, and Spiritual Law, you will learn that all of us have a Guardian Angel that arrives with our soul at birth and is with us now.  I teach you step by step how to connect with your own Guardian Angel. It is not difficult to connect to the Angels who are holy and divine. The connection will benefit you in so many ways. People are often amazed at the messages, guidance and support received after connecting. I share some of these life lessons in “A Guide to Angel Communication and Spiritual Law and I share the ingredients to make this connection happen.

Our Guardian Angels deliver signs to answer our questions and to nudge us in the right direction.  When you veer off your path. The Angels would like for you to watch for their signs. In “A Guide to Angel Communication and Spiritual Law” I discuss the various ways that the Angels communicate with us. When we begin to meditate and quiet our minds and connect to source energy we begin to see the signs. I discuss the number 11:11 and all the numerals used to guide us. It is amazing to learn about the Angel signs and learn how the Angles communicate with us. Many people are waking up and noticing these amazing signs of confirmation and guidance.

In, A Guide to Angel Communication and Spiritual Law,  I tell my own story of how I became acquainted with the Angelic Realm. I felt it was important for you to know a little bit about me. My road has not always been smooth, but I have learned many lessons along the journey.

My mission is to teach and to serve the Almighty Source of love and light. Teaching people how to connect to the Holy Spirit, the love energy that heals all and their Guardian Angel and the Earth Energies brings about balance. Balance is key. The earth energies bring us back into balance as we are energetic beings. Mother Earth is alive and full of healing energy, and she is offering this healing energy for free!

In A Guide to Angel Communication and Spiritual Law I talk about Cherubim.  The Cherubim are misunderstood. Cherubim are God’s friends and protectors thus signifying their importance in the heavenly realms. Accounts of incarnated Angels date back to Biblical times, as the Apostle Paul reminds us in Hebrews.9:5.

In A Guide to Angel Communication and Spiritual Law, I address the universal laws and how each law has been put in place to benefits our soul growth. There are eleven spiritual laws that I expand upon in “A Guide to Angel Communication and Spiritual Law.” A few of the laws I reveal are the law of forgiveness, the law of judgement, faith, truth and the signs. The eleven laws that I chose are the laws I felt would be most helpful to people in their daily life activities.

The universal energy gives us exactly what we are focusing our own energy on. The energy flows where your attention goes. This is why it is imperative that all of humanity have an understanding and be aware of how the energy flows and how the universe operates.

As an Angel communicator I am blessed to channel the Archangel St. Gabriel.

The name Gabriel means God is my strength. Gabriel connected with me a few years back as he is the messenger of Spirit/God. In “A Guide to Angel Communication and Spiritual Law” I share my channeled messages for human in letters from Gabriel.

I share Angelic advise in A Guide to Angel Communication and Spiritual Law.  I reveal what it’s like to be an Earth Angel in these times of turmoil. I address the many obstacles, challenges and blessings that have come along with this mission I agreed to.

We all have a purpose. I am often asked that question from my clients when I do a psychic reading for them. Some people are not sure what their purpose is. Sometimes it takes a while before we recognize our soul’s purpose. When we do discover our mission on earth we soar to new heights!

Know that we have all chosen to be here on earth at this time to witness the elevation of consciousness and connection. How blessed we are to experience this in human form to feel.

Do you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be? Self-knowledge is changing life. It’s the foundation for a better life. It is important to know the truth. A Guide to Angel Communication and Spiritual Law is the prescription for your mental health.

It is the little things in life that you will treasure the most as you grow older and wiser. Learn to connect to the energies to obtain balance in your life.

A Guide to Angel Communication and Spiritual Laws was written to inspire humanity to connect back to Spirit/God and the Angelic Realm. We are energetic souls having a human experience, but we have lost our connection to source energy and our friends the Angels. The Divine spark lives within all of us, and to ignite that spark we need to connect to the heavenly realms of source energy and the natural forces of Mother Earth. These are the connections that bring the energy of joy, peace, harmony, and love into our lives. Within this book, you will learn how to connect to Spirt/God and to your Guardian Angel. You will also discover the Universal Laws that will strengthen this bond. My hope is that all of humanity connect with this Divine energy to bring love to each other and our planet.

A Guide to Angel Communication and Spiritual Laws by Nancy Yearout is available from www.6th-books.com and from wherever books are sold.

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