The Art of Sensing: A Guide for Staying True to Your Soul’s Journey through Challenging Times

The Art of Sensing: A Guide for Staying True to Your Soul’s Journey through Challenging Times

By Carole. J Obley

Throughout past centuries, there have been countless discussions and writings by theologians, religions, various sects, and spiritual organizations about what constitutes the human soul. Although debates and disagreements abound about the specific nature of the soul’s journey, its purpose in our earthly life, what happens upon death, and the subject of reincarnation, the majority of these discussions agree on what comprises the soul. It is created by the Divine in its likeness and, as such, is inseparable from its Creator because it contains the very essence, imprint, and template of that Creator. The illusion of separateness from the Divine — as we experience in the physical world — is what we must overcome in order to feel the soul. Living in a world of seeming duality, it’s difficult to conceive of unity with God and others. We must realize that our soul consistently speaks to us through the voice of intuition. That voice never leads us astray, even if we don’t understand it at times.

During years of practicing mediumship with people from all walks of life, I have personally observed substantiating evidence of the soul’s divine characteristics of permanence, unlimited potential, and intrinsic intelligence. If there is a singular tenet of which genuine mediumship gives proof, it’s the indelible, eternal, elevated consciousness of a soul during and after physical life. This principle alone is fundamental in helping people realize that their loved ones in spirit go on and remain bonded to them through love.

Additionally, mediumship gives immeasurable comfort for people to know that physical life and death are natural cycles of their souls’ journeys. Often, this healing benefit of mediumship is overlooked, although it is just as important as contact with loved ones in spirit through the evidence and messages presented. The phenomenon of communication with souls in nonphysical dimensions is a compelling demonstration of their active, ongoing intelligence and continued awareness beyond the death of the physical body. Our earthly life is a single grain of sand on the beach of eternity. Whether we are clothed in a body or existing in the spirit world as a pure soul, consciousness remains.

Simply stated, the soul is Spirit, or God consciousness, that has taken individuated form. The soul is the imperishable life stream of God that animates each life form on the planet. Because the natural state of a soul is union with the Creator, souls intuitively seek reunion with the Creator from their individuated form via the evolution of their consciousness throughout multiple lifetimes.

From this perspective, all souls share a unified intent: to reunite with their Creator through purifying their consciousness of all that is not in alignment with the Creator. While this is the common purpose that all souls have, each life is unique in its evolutionary stage. That purpose can be and is expressed in countless ways through each individual. This is the meaning behind the expression, “All pathways lead home.” No life is superior to another; each soul is precious and irreplaceable in the totality of Spirit. The unfolding of each soul’s life experiences offers multiple opportunities to progress spiritually toward its final destination of reunion with the Divine. Many of these earthly experiences are heartbreaking, devastating, and painful; others are pleasant, jubilant, and overwhelmingly joyful. The entire spectrum of human experience and emotion gives souls the chance to recognize and embrace the presence of Spirit within.

Perhaps the best way to further define the soul is to understand what it is not: the body, gender, race, culture, nationality, the mind, beliefs, the personality, and thoughts. Most of humankind’s problems originate from identification with these outer characteristics that are used by the soul to evolve spiritually. This is precisely the reason why it is damaging (in terms of spiritual awareness) to believe that we are our body, gender, race, nationality, or any other external condition. Identifying with these outer conditions actually obscures the realization of the underlying unity with other humans and animals. Until we learn this fundamental, inescapable truth, we will continue to sow seeds of division, misunderstanding, violence, prejudice, and hatred. In addition to reunion with the Creator, the realization of unity with all of life is another primary, essential lesson in the schoolroom of earth.

In past writings, I’ve delved into the distinct conditions that the physical plane offers to souls in terms of evolution, and so I will merely mention here that this world is the perfect environment of contrast (duality) within which the body, the personality, the ego/mind, and myriad personal limitations exist in order for souls to grow. In fact, these characteristics are chosen by the soul before birth to serve its need to spiritually evolve beyond them. We come into physicality to learn who we are not, and through that process, we remember who we are as divine beings. For more on the soul’s sojourn in the physical and spirit worlds, refer to my book, Soul to Soul Connections: Comforting Messages from the Spirit World.

It’s important to realize that the soul’s perspective differs significantly from the personality’s, which is closely related to the ego. Simply put, the personality is a set of qualities that makes each person distinct from another. Examples of this would be the characteristics we use to describe another, such as “fun-loving,” “arrogant,” “reserved,” “friendly,” “selfish,” or “outgoing.” We can think of the personality as a demeanor that is typically apparent to others, or qualities that we consistently embrace and express.

The ego is a complex of ideas, beliefs, defense mechanisms, conditioned responses, emotional patterns, and recurring thoughts that center on the self, the “I.” Its primary functions are to protect itself (and the individual) from vulnerability, harm, and dissolution. The ego’s greatest fear is its own death. As we will discuss later, identification with the ego can lead to a multitude of problems, such as self-doubt, fear, anxiety, narcissism, depression, internal criticism, and self-righteousness, among others.

The ego has no awareness of the soul’s unity with others because it perceives reality from the distorted vision of separateness. It sees itself as being in competition with others, is relatively self-absorbed, feels superior (at times) to others, and exists apart from God. It recognizes goal-based achievements as being vital to its well-being and success.

When these self-perceptions become exaggerated, excessive or denied, the ego strives for “more” from the external world to fortify itself. Thus, it creates a never-ending cycle of seeking authentic power, peace, and purpose where they will never be found: in relationships, money, possessions, a career, sex, substances, and rational knowledge. The ego’s perception of life is one of continually seeking, but never finding. Often, this relentless pursuit continues until one inevitably crashes through catastrophe in some form.

I’ve seen many illustrations of the stark differences between the perspectives of the ego and the soul during readings, particularly when there are unresolved emotional issues between clients and their loved ones. Although the soul chooses its personality before birth to advance itself spiritually, the personality dissolves upon death because it is no longer useful in the spirit world. I have had to explain this to people when their loved ones in spirit communicate messages seemingly out of character for them.

I cannot stress enough that we are not our rational mind, personality, or ego! Their primary value in terms of spiritual growth is to be servants of the soul’s intent, to advance its purpose of alignment and reunion with the Divine. So many times, we attempt to invert this fact by placing them above our true identity as Spirit. Invariably, this approach fails since the mind, ego, and personality are finite and ephemeral compared to the permanence of the soul.

The results of giving them undue importance can be devastating. Most of us have witnessed people living through the dictates of their ego as they fall from grace, or crash and burn. This does not mean the personality is bad or wrong; but to live harmoniously and successfully, the ego, personality, and soul must be in balance, with the soul taking the lead where motivation and intent are involved. If we follow the passion of our hearts and consider how our lives can benefit others in altruistic service, we are in sync with the soul’s perspective. Remembering this will reduce unnecessary suffering, conflict, problems, and confusion in life.


Carole J. Obley is a professional medium and the author of five books on mediumship and healing. She may be contacted through here website:

The Art of Sensing: A Guide for Staying True to Your Soul’s Journey through Challenging Times. Simple, clear spiritual awareness techniques to conquer fear, open intuition and transcend life difficulties.

How does the global transformation that humanity is now traversing relate to the journey of the individual soul? This profound yet accessible guide instructs readers to navigate uncertain times and circumstances by trusting one’s sixth sense. Learn practices and exercises to help you distinguish your soul’s intuitive calling from your rational mind, ingrained patterns, and societal influences; learn from the author’s numerous case files of spiritual readings with individuals just like you. The wisdom in each chapter will guide you in overcoming fear, gaining clarity of purpose, and evolving spiritually. The result is greater joy, comfort, and inner peace – regardless of what is happening around you and in the world.

RELEASE DATE: May 1st, 2025

The Art of Sensing: A Guide for Staying True to Your Soul’s Journey through Challenging Times by Carole. J Obley is available from wherever books are sold or through