By Ruth Perkinson
Like many of us, I have avidly pursued the truth for answers as to why we are here on planet Earth and why it is so incredibly dense and difficult. It is full of sickness, guilt, death, and terrible awful fear. I have felt, as you may have too, like a fish out of water—utterly flummoxed by the world we inhabit. How can we figure it all out? I craved the real Truth so that eventually I could overcome and heal from life’s long hardships and short joys.
In my youth, I was taught that life and death were normal, as was sickness, and that all of it was just, well, the grand cycle of life. I was admonished to get used to it. But my young heart could barely tolerate any of it. And even as a small child I set upon a journey to find the Truth. How can the loss of anything—a person, a pet, a plant—be normal? I trudged along as best I could in family, school, and a myriad of jobs and personal relationships . . . always in the soup of confusion. Sometimes life was clear, but mostly it wasn’t.
To seek comfort and answer my questions, I began reading many books by spiritually-oriented authors like as Wayne Dyer, Abraham-Hicks, and others. In the fall of 2013, I happened upon another spiritual book, Return to Love by Marianne Williamson. The subtitle is Reflections on A Course in Miracles, and the frequent references to this work got my attention.
So I bought a copy of A Course in Miracles. I remember the day I retrieved it from my mailbox. I knew in my heart that I was embarking on something extraordinary but didn’t know what that was.
The minute I opened the beautiful blue book with gold lettering and began to read, I felt an indescribable joy. Almost immediately, I began to feel a shift, a change, like a new hope on the horizon of my life. As I studied the book more and more, meditating on the words and praying for understanding, the gifts began in earnest. A Course in Miracles (note: Foundation for Inner Peace edition) was the start of an amazing transformation that to this day continues.
The First of the Gifts
Six years into my study, I had an experience that completely opened a window I did not know was even closed.
Of all places, it happened early one morning as I was in the bathroom. (Spirit really does have a sense of humor.) Sitting there, I noticed a purple and green and gold light in my visual field. Each light was like a beautiful ball or circle. At first, I thought there was something—literally— in my eyes, and I kept rubbing them, thinking I could get rid of the colors I was seeing. I blinked and rubbed for many minutes and kept closing and opening my eyes.
But the colors were there whether my eyes were open or closed. They were framed in a tiny window I’d never seen before. I waited, thinking the window would go away. But this light and the iridescent colors stayed.
After a while, I realized the window wasn’t coming from my physical eyes but from my third eye—my mind’s eye. The window stayed with me as the days and weeks passed, and it kept growing in my visual field. Somewhere in my mind—like a message of divine knowing—I was told that the colors were coming from a company of divine angels, and, more shockingly, that they had always been there.
In other words, I had practiced meditation and studied and prayed enough that they—the angels—were now able to reveal themselves to assist me in I was to do. I didn’t yet know what that was, but I trusted to be told.
The angels arrived, yet they had always been there. I came to call this divine knowing, and the orbs and colors, the Divine Angelic Presence. It remains with me to nurture and teach me and to provide a compass to the psychic abilities that would develop. These are the ability to help others with many types of problems and a spiritual practice with clients that would began to develop as a result of my study of the Course.
This Divine Angelic Presence window was the first manifestation. As the year progressed, the Presence became more expansive, and I began seeing a three- to six-foot circular light cascading around me. It surged from back to front in a giant vibrational circle around my whole body. Then I saw colors and energies of light flowing everywhere. The flowing light was full of orbs and angels like the Monad (Greek for unity, signifying the Supreme Being), the Bindi (Sanskrit for dot, representing the third eye), or the Vishnu (Sanskrit for all pervasive, signifying Supreme Divinity). This light and the higher angels it represents have never left; they continue to work through me in my spiritual practice.
Ironic Sight
The infusion of this light is not only magnificent but somewhat ironic—my physical vision has become very compromised. The constant vibration of light flows like a channel to the Divine, and I use it with the utmost honor and respect. It’s not coming from “Ruth” the personality but from the non-physical high frequency angelic realms.
As these abilities have developed, my physical sight has increasingly diminished. One client noted I am in the tradition of “blind seers” who cannot see physically but possess great wisdom and cosmic knowledge, such as Tiresias in Homer’s Odyssey, Homer himself, and John Milton who, when he was blind, wrote the monumental work, Paradise Lost.
The Light continues to circulate and flow around me, from about three to six feet all around, and I feel that healing is taking place for me—physically, mentally, and emotionally—not only when I am alone and in prayer but also when I am with clients. By now, I have let go of all resistance and ego. I give up to the vibrational angels who uplift and heal.
The Divine Angelic Presence has broadened my teaching and practice, and I have helped clients heal from many physical and emotional ills, such as migraine headaches, clearing sinuses, persistent coughs, chronic alcoholism, and toxic relationships. I am also able to identify blocks of energy in clients’ bodies and the energetic fields that surround them.
The Presence and vibrational swirling colors have quite dramatically opened my clairvoyance (precognition) and my clairsentience (feeling and perceiving beyond the obvious). I am often visited too by spirits who have crossed over, and they have important messages for the clients.
The Angelic Presence continues to help me help many clients. It appears and offers spiritual guidance through me so I can assist them with healings, clarify their situations and experiences, and help them identify and develop their own abilities.
I credit my desire many years ago to buy and read A Course in Miracles with the current developed and developing abilities, as if I have been guided to the materials needed to help people. The teachings of the Course have shown me that we can access the higher realms as we pray faithfully, let go of our earthly assumptions, and open to God.
As I continue to study the Course and practice its principles, I have been guided to more—not only sessions with individual clients who need healing, but also YouTube interviews with spiritual seekers, weekly Zoom meditations, and Zoom courses in healing and spirituality. All of these activities have evolved naturally as I’ve been willing to listen to the Presence and practice the principles of A Course in Miracles.. I feel very blessed and thankful for having been led to this miraculous work.
Bio: Ruth Perkinson is a full-time teacher, facilitator, and healer using A Course in Miracles. She has read widely in spiritual and metaphysical literature and brings this broad knowledge into her work. With a degree in English Education from Virginia Commonwealth University, Ruth taught English and Creative Writing in Richmond, Virginia, for ten years. A creative writer as well, she has published eight books, five fiction and three spiritual nonfiction. Her most recent book, Yeshua and the Gift of the Dream Light Teachings (2024) recounts her journey to the Course in Miracles and the many spiritual experiences, visitations, and applications that have evolved from her practice of the Course principles. Ruth welcomes your contact at