Dissolve Those Limiting, Sabotaging, Beliefs that are Holding You Back
by Dr. Andrew Cort
Our beliefs underlie our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and thus they are the primary cause of the life that we experience. We tend to hang on to long-standing negative beliefs even when we know they are not in our best interests. To get rid of negative beliefs – and their resulting unwanted emotions, thoughts and behaviors that are holding us back in life – it is crucial, first of all, to find them and examine them: in other words to Know Thyself as Socrates taught so long ago, to deeply and sincerely observe ourselves, to increase our self-awareness, to become more awake to who we are.
If you are having a problem in your life that you really want to change, start by bringing this problem into your conscious awareness and let yourself look at it clearly from all angles: notice the thoughts that seem to swirl around it, feel the emotions it brings up when you think about it – what is it like to always be ill, broke, lonely, or whatever the problem is. This probably won’t feel good, but embracing your feelings – not ignoring them or trying to suppress them – is a critical component of self-awareness and a necessary first step toward genuine personal growth. So make the confident and courageous effort to become conscious of these beliefs, thoughts, and feelings that are sabotaging your efforts to grow, learn, change, succeed, love, and evolve into the person you choose to be.
It is an ancient and simple truism that if we cannot feel negative emotions we won’t be able to fully feel the positive ones. When we allow ourselves to fully experience all of our feelings, we become far more authentic, and we gain valuable insights and understanding that can lead to profound personal transformation.
We know we have a limiting belief, if patterns of life experiences that we do not want or enjoy just keep on repeating themselves – that is, the same problems and difficulties never seem to stop. An example might be, “I keep falling into the same kind of unhealthy relationships”, or “I never have enough money” or “I’m always feeling tired”.
If you are really ready for this to change, and want to find and eliminate a negative belief that is keeping you stuck, you must ask your Higher Mind for guidance. Don’t underestimate the enormous wisdom and power of your own inner guidance.
I suggest getting into deeply relaxed, open, quiet meditative state, where you can speak to your Higher Self (not your ego-mind), and ask yourself questions like these:
“What am I believing is true about myself and my life, that keeps causing me to experience and react this way?”
“What am I afraid will happen if I actually become who I wish to be?”
If these questions are asked sincerely, in the right state, with a willingness to listen, the Higher Mind will respond. Listen closely. Your inner guidance will make you aware of what you are ‘up to’ and what you need to know and do.
Increased awareness is everything.
An answer will come, and it will be the very first thing that ‘pops up’ in your mind. Your Higher Self may speak in words, but it may speak in images, emotions, symbols, or intuitions. Don’t try to come up with a ‘better answer’: there isn’t one. Just allow yourself to hear whatever comes up, even if it seems peculiar or irrelevant at first glance. Don’t question it, don’t analyze it, don’t judge it. Just acknowledge it, trust it, accept it, feel it, and own it – You cannot change what you do not own.
So whatever it is, go with it – you are bypassing the ego that wants to ‘figure everything out’ and make sense of things in its own logical terms: that is exactly what you do not want. Whatever your Inner Voice sends you is precisely the right intuition. This is what you must become aware of before you can let it go.
Expanding your awareness by observing what is happening within you, looking these limiting beliefs straight in the eye, feeling the negativity they create, and recognizing that these beliefs are lies (of course you are worthy: you are God; of course you are loveable: God is Love), will take away their power: Just bring them into the light of consciousness, and experience them without judgement as part of your total wonderful self: then turn them over to Grace to be swept away.
Once you have done this, your attachment to the belief will quickly dissolve, and you can turn your focus instead to positive, life-affirming beliefs that align with the kind of person you choose to be and become in this Multiverse of All Possibilities. So now, deeply relax and ask your Higher Self, “What ought I to believe? What would a loving and forgiving God believe about me?” Then imagine in your mind’s eye that you are living your life with this belief about yourself, and imbue the vision with all your senses and lots of positive, loving emotions that feel good: imagine yourself happy, strong, full of self-esteem, and having this far more positive belief about who you are. Imagine: What would life be like?
By experiencing this preferred belief and this resultant new life, imagining that it is already true, and visualizing yourself living your life free of the old recurring problem, you are imprinting a new ‘program’ into your subconscious mind (your subconscious mind does not distinguish between a physical-world-experience and a vividly-imagined-experience) that can fill the space that Grace just opened up, and this becomes a new ‘blueprint’ that your mind and heart must strive toward.
Be persistent, but be gentle with yourself.
We all have many limiting beliefs that get in the way of manifesting the life we desire. These negative messages have been talking to us for many years, holding us back by telling us lies about ourselves and lies about the world, and thus stopping us in our tracks – leaving us weak, timid, bitter, unhappy, and unfulfilled. But you can dig out and dissolve these false, damaging beliefs, and really clean them all out, thus clearing the way for the spectacular divine soul you really are to awaken and come out of hiding.
Getting rid of negativity, doubt and fear leaves only Love – that is, only the real You.
Dr. Andrew Cort is the author of many books on Spirituality, Healing, Education, and the social consequences of an overall loss of interest in the sacred and transcendent. Originally trained as a Chiropractor, his work has evolved over many years and he continues to practice the Healing Arts in Woodstock, NY and via Zoom. You can find out more about him by visiting his website at https://andrewcort.com.
His most recent book is CREATE YOURSELF ANEW FROM ABOVE DOWN: By CHOOSING Who and What YOU Prefer to Be in this Multiverse of ALL POSSIBILITIES. It is available as a Paperback or Kindle on Amazon, and as an Audiobook (narrated by the author) on Google Play.