By Justin L. Shaw
Author of Sourcery 101: 13 Rungs to a Higher Elevation of Consciousness
You may be wondering why even the title of this article is misspelled, well, simply put, because this is not Hogwarts, and I am not Dumbledore. I know we would all love the ability to levitate the remote to our hand or turn our roommate into a frog. I am many things, but Gandolf I am not, so you can leave your hooded robes and magic wands in the closet for now. There will be no cauldrons or eye of newt required for this Sourcery. This is a journey of self-discovery and transformation by using the unified, unbound power that lives in us all: Source energy. Brain, meet dynamite.
Famed physicist Erwin Schrodinger said, “The total number of minds in the universe is one.”
There is an undeniable force that lives in us all. This force heals our wounds, keeps our hearts beating, and digests our food. I certainly am not in charge of that; something else is ensuring our bodies function properly. But the most compelling and undeniable proof of the existence of this unseen force that unifies the cosmos is the occurrence of the big bang.
A typical explosion in our world will cause extensive damage and chaos. Yet when the universe experienced its most monumental explosion, paradoxically, it led to complete harmony. Classical science chalks this up to a fluke, but order cannot (naturally) emerge from chaos. Leonardo Da Vinci did not create the Mona Lisa by just flinging paint at the canvas. The only explanation for this universe of ours is a hidden, intelligent force manipulating everything. British astronomer Fred Hoyle said that the odds of life occurring as a random sequence of events are equivalent to a tornado sweeping through a junkyard and assembling a Boeing 747 jetliner from the scattered debris. The specs of the universe are so incredibly precise that we have the ability to discuss them.
Honestly, the best approach to explaining Source to others is to have them watch Star Wars.
Source is the Force! Obi-Wan describes it perfectly: “The Force is what gives a Jedi [or Sourcerer] their power. It is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the universe together.”
Much like a Jedi, you can tap into “The Source” to make yourself a more powerful and beautiful being. You are not alone. This unifying, loving intelligence is everywhere. Just as fish are unaware of the water they swim in; we are unaware of the vast sea of consciousness that engulfs us. Without the water that surrounds fish, they would not be alive, and without the loving consciousness that surrounds us, we would not be alive. To a fish that has lived its entire life in a pond; getting caught by an angler and pulled from its mundane world to see there is a whole other hidden and far more majestic reality would be quite a shock. So get ready, cause we goin’ fishin’.
The system of becoming a Sourcerer is comprised of thirteen rungs. As with the rungs of a ladder, with each rung, you will climb higher and higher, gaining a clearer perspective on how life works this side of the veil. They are in an order, but the level of importance of each one is subjective. Some rungs may come more natural to you, while others might be more demanding of your attention. Nothing in this world is random, so naturally, the number I chose is no exception. In tarot, the number thirteen represents death, rebirth, and transformation. It is also associated with the divine and is said to bring good luck and prosperity to those who embrace it. The concept of 13 being unlucky is purely a fallacy. As humans, we are prone to having an abundance of false beliefs. The concept of Sourcery is built upon the idea of examining and questioning the beliefs you hold about the universe, the world, and yourself. The Sourcery movement is not out to change minds, only open them.
A Sourcerer can turn dreams into reality; and becoming a Sourcerer is simple, but not easy. A Sourcerer is an enthusiast that stays cool and fights through adversity. A Sourcerer is someone that has developed the ability to alchemize their emotions and has learned how to respond instead of react to frustrating worldly situations. A Sourcerer does not view the world from an involved black/white standpoint like most of humanity, but from a loving and detached shade of gray. And maybe most of all, a Sourcerer knows they are special but not unique.
The Sourcerer’s Creed:
- I understand my focus is the energetic cord that connects and charges me. Every day, I have the choice to plug into the illusion or plug into the Source.
- I will receive my body. My body will be mine for the entire period I am here, so I will take care of it.
- I pledge to seek out knowledge. I am enrolled in a full-time school called life. Each day in school, I will take advantage and learn something new.
- I understand there are no failures, just lessons. Growth is a process of experimentation. The failed experiments are as much as part of the process as the experiment that ultimately works.
- I understand that lesson learning never ends. A lesson will be presented to me in various forms and will be repeated until I have learned it. I know the key to my success will be to go from lesson to lesson without losing my enthusiasm.
- I understand that my reality happens through me, not to me. Therefore, I will remain vigilant in how I am viewing myself and the world around me.
- I am aware that there is no better than here. When my there has become a here, I will simply obtain another there.
- I will honor the Golden Rule and love others how I wish to be loved.
- I understand we are one, so I will see others as mirrors into my soul. I know I cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to me something I love or hate about myself.
- I understand I am a biological computer, and if I am not regularly questioning my thoughts and feelings before they become actions, I have been relegated to an organic robot.
- I understand that I have the free will to choose my destiny. I have all the tools and resources I need and what I do with them is up to me.
- I know the answers to all of life’s puzzles are inside me and stillness is the key to that vault. All I need to do is pause, listen, and trust.
- And lastly, I pledge to approach every endeavor and obstacle I encounter with the confidence of a 5-year-old wearing a Superman cape.