Healing the Split from Nature

Healing the Split from Nature

An excerpt from Co-Creating with Nature: Healing the Wound of Separation

By Pamela Montgomery

Healing our separation from Nature is one of the most important undertakings we can attempt at this time. It’s as if our internal and external worlds have been split asunder with all the bits being scattered far and wide. I’m reminded of the many dismemberment stories told across the globe and how this narrative of dying to the old and being reborn to the new is now more present than ever but within our modern context. Could it be that we are experiencing a massive, collective dismemberment, and we need help to be put back together again in a new way?


Healing the split involves telling or living a new story where something unique can emerge. My teacher Martín Prechtel speaks of planting seeds where the new plant that grows from the original seed looks very different than it did in the past. It carries the original blueprint within the seed and yet what emerges is an amalgam that has been shaped by a new set of energetic circumstances. He says, “I’m not trying to reinstate what people have had and lost. I’m trying to take something from the past and make it come back alive again in the seed germ of what is still here. There are intrinsic and innate things in all people where the actual spiritual DNA knows how to remake itself, not in the form it was, but in an adjusted form within the conditions it finds itself.” In other words, we take the wisdom of the original seed (our spiritual DNA) and plant it in new conditions, new soil, or a new milieu and let it grow into what it will, according to its own true nature, which will not be the same as the original seed and what sprouted from it. Then we don’t judge the new plant but honor the fact that it is alive and growing a new story. When we take the brilliance of spiritual DNA and remove it from the religious arena, a whole new vision of our potential is illuminated. 

I’m going to travel down a “what if ” path that some of you may think is idle fantasy, but perhaps for a moment you could put aside your doubts and journey with me.

If we believe that the macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm and the dismemberment that is occurring externally has also occurred internally in each human and all but two intact strands of DNA have been split asunder—dismembered—thus creating noncoded DNA that is not intact, then does that mean it can be put back together again in a never-before-seen way? Through epigenetics do we have the ability to encode the bits of DNA with peace, love, cooperation, and unity and live what has only been a dream but one we feel to our core is possible? Through engaging in co-creative partnership with Nature and unity consciousness, can we “re-member” all the bits of DNA creating intact strands filled with light, thus becoming enlightened while living a new story, one we can hardly even talk about because we have never seen it or lived it? Is this what it means to remember? To quote a beloved prophet of our time, John Lennon, “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will live as one.” If we can dream it, it is possible, so let’s dream big.

Author Bio: Pam Montgomery is an herbalist, Nature Evolutionary, international teacher, and Earth Elder who has passionately embraced her role as a spokesperson for the green beings. A founding member of United Plant Savers and the Organization of Nature Evolutionaries, she is the author of two books, including Plant Spirit Healing. She lives, works, and plays at Sweetwater Sanctuary in Danby, Vermont.