Throughout my life, I have been committed to following my callings and dreams. This has not always taken me on a straightforward or easy path in my career, relationships, or spiritual journey. However, it has provided my life with meaning, adventure, and peace.
Initially, I began my professional career as a lawyer. Studying and practicing in the field of law helped me develop critical thinking skills and an understanding of how to navigate the practical challenges of life. However, working as a lawyer also made me realize I wanted to help people on a more personal, emotional, and psychological level so they could be effective before they need a lawyer. So, at the age of 29, I quit my job as a family law attorney and went back to school to get a Ph.D. in Psychology. I now work as an Evanston psychologist licensed in Illinois and Kansas and as a life coach. I also work as a licensed clinical psychologist at a Veterans Affairs hospital providing psychotherapy to Veterans with PTSD, addictions, depression, and serious mental illness.
As a lifetime student, I am dedicated to learning. I want to learn more about you and help you get to where you want to be. I want to learn what is in your heart, mind, soul, and emotions and help you express these parts of yourself in a meaningful and real way. This may take the form of helping you in the following ways:
– Find a career that is aligned with your values, interests, strengths, or deepest desires.
– Better understand your personality characteristics so you can find a compatible romantic partner.
– Enhance the quality of current relationships by improving conflict management skills, communicating your wants and needs with greater clarity, establishing better boundaries, or work through any possible codependency issues.
– Better manage practical challenges and difficult transitions in life (divorce, job loss, or death of a loved one) so that you can move through them with greater ease, purpose, and strength.
– Work through past trauma, addictive behaviors, anger, depression and anxiety.
– Overcome mental blocks that may be inhibiting your ability to publish your book, develop a creative project, or create a platform or website to reach a larger audience.
On a deeper level, my hope is that the work we do together helps you live a life that is more aligned with your most authentic self and leads to deeper levels of self-acceptance and peace. I know this is not an easy process, but it is worth the effort. When I worked as a lawyer, I questioned why I was experiencing so much confusion, struggle, and anxiety. My goal is to use what I have learned through my education and life experiences to help you overcome whatever obstacles are on your path.
I offer life coaching sessions via Skype, Zoom, or telephone. I charge $100 for an hour long session. To schedule your initial life coaching session, please send an email with Life Coaching in the subject line to , click the book now button above, or call me at (847) 316-0218.

Author of Think Without the Box® –
Stories For Spiritual Transformation

Nautilus Book Awards Gold Winner
Previous Nautilus Gold Medal winners include the
Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Deepak Chopra

PeaceNow.com, Co-creator of the film, The Principle.